

1.3m UK workers are suffering from work-related ill health at any given time, and 12.5m working days are lost each year just in relation to stress

When an employee is absent from work, early clinical intervention is key to ensuring their speedy return and the avoidance of conditions becoming chronic.

Our treatment programs ensure that employees are supported back into the workplace and we can also deal with any reasonable adjustments to their working environment should this be necessary.

Our fully-tailored web based client portal gives you, the employer, real-time access to treatment and progress reports so that you can monitor your employee’s progress back to full health.

Check out our easy to use online system!

UKSHW is the direct link between your patient and the treatment they need and so we’re in the perfect position to help you resolve wellbeing issues quickly and efficiently, saving you management time and cost. Through our customer portal, you are then able to monitor the status of your patient's treatment at any time, with real-time access to specialist reports and progress updates as and when you need them.

Go to our online portal

Get in touch

Please get in touch using our contact form, drop us an email or give us a call.

phone0333 230 1237

location61 Washway Road Manchester M33 7SS